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Reconstructive techniques for creation of catheterizable channels: tunneled and nipple valve channels

	author = {Mya E. Levy and Sean P. Elliott},
	title = {Reconstructive techniques for creation of catheterizable channels: tunneled and nipple valve channels},
	journal = {Translational Andrology and Urology},
	volume = {5},
	number = {1},
	year = {2016},
	keywords = {},
	abstract = {Cutaneous catheterizable channels allow for continent bladder emptying when an alternate route is desired. The goals of channel creation in the neurogenic bladder population are successful urine elimination, renal preservation, continence and lastly cosmesis. In addition to a particular surgeon’s comfort and experience with a given procedure, individual patient factors such as medical comorbidities, anatomic factors, and occupational function should be central to the selection of a surgical approach. An ideal channel is one that is short, straight, and well supported by associated blood supply and surrounding adventitia, so as to minimize difficulty with catheterization. Two types of channel continence mechanisms are discussed at length in this review—the tunneled channel, and the nipple valve. The appendicovesicostomy (Mitrofanoff), and reconfigured ileum (Yang-Monti) are both tunneled channels. The ileocecal valve is a commonly used nipple valve and provides continence when reinforced. The continent catheterizable ileal cecocystoplasty (CCIC) is an example of this channel technique. This method couples a tapered ileal limb as a catheterizable channel, the ileocecal valve as the continence mechanism, and the cecum and ascending colon as a bladder augmentation. While this procedure has higher perioperative complications relative to a simple tunneled channel, it has increased channel length flexibility and is also coupled with a bladder augment, which is completely performed using one bowel segment. Continent channel creation in adults can improve quality of life and minimize morbidity associated with neurogenic bladder. However, the decision to proceed with creation of a catheterizable channel should be made only after careful consideration of the patient’s medical comorbidities, physical abilities social support, and surgeon experience.},
	issn = {2223-4691},	url = {}