Professor Larry I. Lipshultz: genetic research in male infertility

Posted On 2016-08-19 10:28:25

Larry I. Lipshultz, M.D., is Professor of Urology and Chief of the Scott Department of Urology’s Division of Male Reproductive Medicine and Surgery. Dr. Lipshultz, who holds the Smith Chair in Reproductive Medicine, is a well-known authority on abnormalities of male reproduction, erectile dysfunction, and male hormone therapy. He received his medical training at the University of Pennsylvania and received fellowship training at the University of Texas at Houston as the first AUA research scholar. Recognized as a leading expert on men’s health, Dr. Lipshultz is a highly respected author, editor and lecturer. He has published more than 250 journal articles, serves on the editorial boards of several major journals, and edited two widely used comprehensive text books—Urology and the Primary Care Practitioner (3rd Edition Dec. 2008) and Infertility in the Male (4th Edition Nov. 2009). Teacher as well as physician, researcher, writer, and editor, Dr. Lipshultz instituted a fellowship training program in male reproductive medicine and surgery that has trained close to 100 physicians who are now in practice both in America and abroad.


Prof. Larry I. Lipshultz.