Review Article

Percent Gleason pattern 4 in stratifying the prognosis of patients with intermediate-risk prostate cancer

Meenal Sharma, Hiroshi Miyamoto


The Gleason score remains the most reliable prognosticator in men with prostate cancer. One of the recent important modifications in the Gleason grading system recommended from the International Society of Urological Pathology consensus conference is recording the percentage of Gleason pattern 4 in the pathology reports of prostate needle biopsy and radical prostatectomy cases with Gleason score 7 prostatic adenocarcinoma. Limited data have indeed suggested that the percent Gleason pattern 4 contributes to stratifying the prognosis of patients who undergo radical prostatectomy. An additional obvious benefit of reporting percent pattern 4 includes providing critical information for treatment decisions. This review summarizes and discusses available studies assessing the utility of the percentage of Gleason pattern 4 in the management of prostate cancer patients.

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